Sunday, July 27, 2014

My Alter Ego

I hope all of you are having a fantastic weekend.
David and I got to go to our friends annual pool party this weekend.
It was so much fun.
We are so lucky to have an amazing group of friends.

Anyway onto the actual post.
I am not lucky enough to have made quilting into my career, so how do I make a living you ask?
I am a teacher.

Last year I taught PPCD (Public Preschool for Children with Disabilities), and this year I will be teaching resource. I am pretty excited about the change, and I have been thinking of how I am going to organize my life in general when the school year starts. 
I started hearing a lot about Erin Condren Life Planners at the beginning of the summer. Then I just kept on hearing about her planners, so (literally) 30 minutes ago I ordered my life planner.

Be prepared for a full review when it comes in.
Also be prepared for a peek at my back to school swag.

Thursday, July 24, 2014

Something New and Girly

I started a new project. 
It is pink and pretty.
You guys are going to love it.

Here is a sneak peek at it :)

Stay tuned.

Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Well Hello There

I hate writing.
I blame standardized testing.

I never kept a journal growing up, and the only writing I have kept up with on a regular basis is writing in a day planner. I am a micro manager.

In the past year, I have tackled some huge beasts.
I got married.
I completed my first year of teaching.
I am making my first position change at school.
I turned 23.
I watched the entire series of House M.D
...and Trailer Park Boys
... for the eighth and ninth time.
AND I made my first quilt.

For my first post, I want to tell you my quilting story; well my beginners story. 

My best friends house was covered in quilts that her mom had made. I loved it. Sometimes when I went over, I just wanted to look at them. 

So when I turned 17, I asked her mom to teach me, and she patiently did.
She taught me how to use a rotary cutter, and square up fabric.

But by the end of the lesson, my 17 year old brain didn't have the attention span to make a WHOLE quilt. I took the knowledge I gained that day and tucked it into a dark place. A dark place that wouldn't have light shine upon it for 6 years. 

Most people would find it horrifying to know that the first birthday gift my husband got me as my husband was a sewing machine. I believe my mother-in-law sighed when she heard the news. 
It is actually one of my favorite gifts ever.

My birthday is in November. I didn't touch the thing until February.

Then, in February, I got it into me that I needed to make my self a tote bag. 
It was on from this point on.


As I scrolled through pinterest, I got more adventurous.
Next I was making bags of all sorts.
Then I started following my friends mom.
The quilt was reintroduced to my life.
I scrolled along the quilts and though to myself, "You can do this."
I knew my 23 year old brain was ready for this.

I pulled out some fabric and just started making half square triangles.
(I figured who could mess up sewing a straight line)
I now have a hideous lime green and purple chevron quilt top.
I think I will put it in a box and finish it in twenty years strictly out of novelty.

I finished my first quilt last Friday.
(I know it isn't finished in the picture)

I started the hashtagquilt Instagram, because my husband worked from home while I made the quilt top.
I had to be quiet.
I couldn't sing or swear or be silly.
I could be as silly as I wanted online.

I created hashtagquilt because I want other young women to think quilting is hip.
I want them to be frustrated with it, and I want them to love it.
I want them to be better at math.
I want them to take a risk on something old.
I want them to be confident.
I want them to realize that it is okay to be a lady who quilts and does other fun things.

Welcome to #quilt. 
I hope you love it as much as I love you and I love quilting and life in general.

PS: My husband just said "You are liaring to me".
That is about as serious as it is going to get here.