Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Well Hello There

I hate writing.
I blame standardized testing.

I never kept a journal growing up, and the only writing I have kept up with on a regular basis is writing in a day planner. I am a micro manager.

In the past year, I have tackled some huge beasts.
I got married.
I completed my first year of teaching.
I am making my first position change at school.
I turned 23.
I watched the entire series of House M.D
...and Trailer Park Boys
... for the eighth and ninth time.
AND I made my first quilt.

For my first post, I want to tell you my quilting story; well my beginners story. 

My best friends house was covered in quilts that her mom had made. I loved it. Sometimes when I went over, I just wanted to look at them. 

So when I turned 17, I asked her mom to teach me, and she patiently did.
She taught me how to use a rotary cutter, and square up fabric.

But by the end of the lesson, my 17 year old brain didn't have the attention span to make a WHOLE quilt. I took the knowledge I gained that day and tucked it into a dark place. A dark place that wouldn't have light shine upon it for 6 years. 

Most people would find it horrifying to know that the first birthday gift my husband got me as my husband was a sewing machine. I believe my mother-in-law sighed when she heard the news. 
It is actually one of my favorite gifts ever.

My birthday is in November. I didn't touch the thing until February.

Then, in February, I got it into me that I needed to make my self a tote bag. 
It was on from this point on.


As I scrolled through pinterest, I got more adventurous.
Next I was making bags of all sorts.
Then I started following my friends mom.
The quilt was reintroduced to my life.
I scrolled along the quilts and though to myself, "You can do this."
I knew my 23 year old brain was ready for this.

I pulled out some fabric and just started making half square triangles.
(I figured who could mess up sewing a straight line)
I now have a hideous lime green and purple chevron quilt top.
I think I will put it in a box and finish it in twenty years strictly out of novelty.

I finished my first quilt last Friday.
(I know it isn't finished in the picture)

I started the hashtagquilt Instagram, because my husband worked from home while I made the quilt top.
I had to be quiet.
I couldn't sing or swear or be silly.
I could be as silly as I wanted online.

I created hashtagquilt because I want other young women to think quilting is hip.
I want them to be frustrated with it, and I want them to love it.
I want them to be better at math.
I want them to take a risk on something old.
I want them to be confident.
I want them to realize that it is okay to be a lady who quilts and does other fun things.

Welcome to #quilt. 
I hope you love it as much as I love you and I love quilting and life in general.

PS: My husband just said "You are liaring to me".
That is about as serious as it is going to get here.

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